Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Mill River Falls Natural Area

The 2nd grade students have the opportunity to go  on a field trip to learn more about earth science, mapping & the Georgia community! The field trip will include a hike to the Mill River Falls Natural Area, located in Georgia. 
Regardless of temperature, your child needs to have long pants and long sleeves to avoid ticks. Also, we prefer your child wear hiking shoes or water proof boots. Sneakers would be okay but definitely not sandals, flip flops etc.
HIKE DATE: May 19th, 8:30 to 11:00
RAIN DATE: June 2nd

* If you are interested in joining us on the hikes, please contact your child’s classroom teacher. Unfortunately, we will only be able to have a small number of parents join us. To get there you would take US Route 7 N for about 3 miles and take a left onto Mill River Road and follow it until you come to a T. There, the parking lot for Mill River Falls is directly in front of you.