Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Maddie and Maddie's Post

The last two months we've been learning about important individuals. We each got to pick a person to research!  At the beginning of our research, Mrs.Christie and Ms. LaRose selected books for each student to read and learn more about their person. Then when the students were finished, they each got to write a biography about their person. Next we all went to the art room and drew a portrait of our individual. This was very interesting for the class.  It was a little tricky to draw a picture of our person, but in they end everyone's looked stunning! It was a little tricky to decide who would get which person. A lot of people wanted Tom Brady, Neil Armstrong and Derek Jeter. But Christopher, Easton and Sophie were the lucky three. Sophie got Derek Jeter, Easton got Tom Brady and Christopher got Neil Armstrong! After everything was finished, we had a publishing party! A publishing party is when Mrs.Christie chooses people to share their work with each other. Everyone choose very interesting people to learn about,for example Rowan choose Sally ride ❤️.   And a lot of people were exhausted but they kept on going and phew 😅 they made it! As. Mrs.Christie was walking around to check in with people she saw people's faces smiling!