Monday, May 22, 2017
Scholastic News
Here are some photos from a Scholastic session we had about the Moon. The students were asked to consider if they would ever go to the Moon if they were given the chance. Most students said YES!
Artist in Residence - Thea Alvin
Last week GEMS was lucky enough to have guest artist, designer, and stone mason Thea Alvin to spend time with our students and share with them her work with stone. We are clearing a space near the boulders to put a pallet of river stone so that she can teach the students how to build key stone arches, cones, walls, and other structures. The stones will remain there after her residency so that we can continue to explore and build with them.
Here are some photos from our time with Thea. Check out her website at:

Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Stream Table
Here are a few photos of the students exploring the stream table this week! The children used what they learned from their previous experience with the table, to make a better informed decision about where to put their house and how to protect it during "flood-like" conditions.
Georgia Mini Maker Faire!
Please sign up your child for the Maker Faire by sending in the bottom portion of this page that went home yesterday!
Bring the whole family for an evening of being a "maker!"
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Mill River Falls Natural Area
The 2nd grade students have the opportunity to go on a field trip to learn more about earth science, mapping & the Georgia community! The field trip will include a hike to the Mill River Falls Natural Area, located in Georgia.
Regardless of temperature, your child needs to have long pants and long sleeves to avoid ticks. Also, we prefer your child wear hiking shoes or water proof boots. Sneakers would be okay but definitely not sandals, flip flops etc.
HIKE DATE: May 19th, 8:30 to 11:00
RAIN DATE: June 2nd
* If you are interested in joining us on the hikes, please contact your child’s classroom teacher. Unfortunately, we will only be able to have a small number of parents join us. To get there you would take US Route 7 N for about 3 miles and take a left onto Mill River Road and follow it until you come to a T. There, the parking lot for Mill River Falls is directly in front of you.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Caleb's Blog Post
This is Mrs. Christie's class at STEM. We were at the water table and we put wooden blocks to be a house and we made a river. Sophie's house fell into the river and everybody else's house was SAFE.
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Maddie and Maddie's Post
The last two months we've been learning about important individuals. We each got to pick a person to research! At the beginning of our research, Mrs.Christie and Ms. LaRose selected books for each student to read and learn more about their person. Then when the students were finished, they each got to write a biography about their person. Next we all went to the art room and drew a portrait of our individual. This was very interesting for the class. It was a little tricky to draw a picture of our person, but in they end everyone's looked stunning! It was a little tricky to decide who would get which person. A lot of people wanted Tom Brady, Neil Armstrong and Derek Jeter. But Christopher, Easton and Sophie were the lucky three. Sophie got Derek Jeter, Easton got Tom Brady and Christopher got Neil Armstrong! After everything was finished, we had a publishing party! A publishing party is when Mrs.Christie chooses people to share their work with each other. Everyone choose very interesting people to learn about,for example Rowan choose Sally ride ❤️. And a lot of people were exhausted but they kept on going and phew 😅 they made it! As. Mrs.Christie was walking around to check in with people she saw people's faces smiling!
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