Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Christopher's Blog Post

We are practicing trick words. We have assessments with our teacher. If you get a word wrong, the next morning, you get the paper you were writing on back at your desk. What is different, is that there is red writing next to the words you got wrong. It shows you how to spell the word correctly. You get note cards and you have to write the words that are written in red and you get to make a word ring!😀😎 

We used the magic gel boards to practice the trick words that we got wrong. Those gel boards are magic! You can erase with your finger!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Chrissy and Ellana's Blog Post

This is the gym. This unit we are doing gymnastics. We can use the mats for forward and backward rolls. It's fun to watch Mr.Allard demonstrate some balances.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Front Row and Razz Kids!

Today I sent home a letter with instructions on how to log on to the math program (Front Row) and  reading program (Razz Kids) that we use in the classroom, at home! Please feel free to email or call me with any questions! The students are very familiar with these programs, as they have been using them almost all year, so they should be able to help you as well!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Subtracting on the open number line

The past couple weeks, our class has been learning about subtracting using the open number line.
The students have been working very hard to understand that you can hop in either direction on the open number line to subtract, depending on how you think about it.
Stay tuned for our next subtractions strategy!

Late Little Leprechauns!

Here is a fabulous picture of our entire class on Saint Patrick's Day. 
They did a nice job wearing GREEN and we had a great day together!
Little leprechauns are better late than never :)

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Chrissy and Ellana's Blog Post

This is Ella. She made a rhombus out of rhombi. We were using pattern blocks. There is red,orange,yellow,green,blue,and white. They are all different shapes.