Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Alizibeth's Blog Post

Today in math we played yahtzee. We played with partners. It was fun!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Writing Workshop

Today our class worked on editing personal narratives. The students  worked in pairs to review each other's work looking for capitals, order, punctuation and spelling. The next step is publishing!

Friday, October 23, 2015


Today during our library time, we started reading this year's Red Clover Nominees!
We heard I'm My Own Dog, by David Ezra Stein this afternoon. Ask you child about the book!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

4 Winds - Leah's blog post

Yesterday we had four winds and learned about seed dispersal. After that we planted milkweed to help try and save the monarch butterflies.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Field Trip!

This morning we were lucky enough to visit Breezy Acres Garden Center in Sheldon, VT. We explored a greenhouse full of seeds, plants, produce and a compost pile. We also had a visit from a beekeeper and learned more about pollination this afternoon. We even were able to explore an observatory hive! What a great culminating trip to top off our STEM experiences this fall!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Pattern blocks - Mattie's Post

One week for inside recess we made pattern block shapes using hexagons, trapezoid, triangles and squares. I worked with my friends and we built three large shapes together.

Place value in the computer lab

This week we practiced place value math games in the computer lab!

Visit this web address to check them out with your child at home:

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

20 partners

Last week, the students practiced their 20 partners with a classmate by quizzing each other on their "rek n rek" tools. Each student made their own rek n rek with 20 beads, one group of 10 on the top and another group of 10 on the bottom. There are 5 red beads and 5 white beads in each group so it is easier for the students to identify 5+.

10 and 20 partners help build place value concepts which make addition and subtraction of larger numbers more automatic and fluent.

Ask your child to name a few 10 or 20 partners!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Brain breaks - Yoga in the classroom

Everyday we take a "brain break" and reset our bodies to pay attention and learn with yoga! Ask your child about the website:

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Partner Reading - By Quin

Today we learned how to partner read! It was fun!