Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Four Winds - By D.

In Four Winds last week, we learned about insects. Our class even went outside to catch some! It was fun!

Go Fish

Yesterday during math, the students practiced their ten partners by playing make 10 go fish. Ask your child how to play!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Math Beans - By Natalee and Kylie

Last week in math, we used beans to count by tens and ones. We had to estimate and scoop as close to 125 beans as we could!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Sammy Strong!

In honor of Alex's brother Sam's birthday, both Alex and Brady wore their Sammy Strong shirts!

Did you know September is childhood cancer awareness month?

Visit this website and click on t-shirts for a cause to help support Sam and bring awareness to childhood cancer.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Math Magic

Today the students learned a math magic trick! If you have a deck of cards and remove the face cards and 10's they can show you how it works. 

Monday, September 14, 2015


Today we observed and dissected a 9 foot tall sunflower from Mrs. Christie's garden. Ask your child what they noticed or wondered about the flower!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Computer Lab

Today we visited the computer lab for the first time to practice our mouse and keyboarding skills!

Reading Workshop

Over the past 2 days the students have been working hard to organize our classroom library, go book shopping for just right books and launching our reader's workshop. The students were very excited to check out books and start reading! 

Do the plants measure up?

Today in the STEM lab, 2nd grade students put the final details on their plant models and determined if they had passed the challenge. The plants had to be free standing and at least 30 centimeters tall! Everyone was able to successfully complete their first STEM challenge :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Class Picture

Check out this great looking class ready to conquer our 10th day of school!

Saturday, September 5, 2015


On Friday afternoon, students worked on the big idea that a number has many names. For example 10: 5+5, 6+4, 7+3 are all names for ten! Students were partnered up and circulated around the room to rename numbers. It was great to hear all the students cooperating and talking about numbers!


On Friday in the STEM lab, 2nd grade students worked together to plan, design and build models of plants. The challenge was to use cardboard, tape, newspaper and pieces of construction paper to construct a free standing, 30 centimeter tall model of a plant. They also had to include and label as many parts of a real plant as they could. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Drop It

Today our class played a math game called "Drop It." It practices place value understanding by counting by tens and ones. Each student made their own set and will be able to play it when they have free time. Mrs. Mitiguy even stopped by to play with us!

Our 2nd grade classroom

Here is our second grade classroom!