Tuesday, September 30, 2014

STEAM time with Mrs. Hogg

STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, art, and math.

Here are some of the GEMS second grader students during their STEAM time with Mrs. Hogg.
Students studied leaf structure and used magnifying glasses to sketch detailed scientific drawings.
Photo credit Dorsey Hogg

Friday, September 26, 2014

Reading Logs - Emma's Blog Post

Today Morgan won our reading log drawing! Congratulations!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Writer's Workshop

In our writer's workshop students are writing about small moments in their own lives. Once they write their first draft of their story, students conference with one another for more ideas and details!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Scholastic Book Orders!

Reminder: Book orders are due Friday, September 26th!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Math - Morgan's blog post

It was super fun everyone loved it. We would like to do it again.
Here the students played an i Pad app (called Monkey Math Balance) reflected on our smart board. Students had to balance addition equations to make them equal!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Many names for numbers

Today students worked together on finding equal names for numbers.
For example 25 = 10+10+5 or 25 = 24 +1.
Students carouseled around the room to visit all of the number sheets to record their thoughts.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Practicing our five finger reading rule

Here are two students practicing the five finger rule.
Students find a page in a book they are interested in, for every word they get stuck on, put up a finger.
0-1 words... Too easy
2-3 words... Just right
4-5 words... Too hard

Spider Web Greeting

Yesterday, we tried out a new greeting called spider web. We rolled a ball of yarn to the person we were greeting and at the end we had a really neat design!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Rolling for 100!

Here students are playing a math game called rolling for 100!
They used a cube as a place marker and rolled the dice to add on to their current number on the 100 grid. 

If you rolled a....
1= +1, 2 = +2, 3 = +3, 4 = +4, 5 = +10, 6 = -10

It was a fun afternoon!